Pay as you wish. The amount collection will be use to send food to rescurers
The Projector at Golden Mile Tower
PG rating so adults only
There are too much misconceptions of FIV+ cats and some rescue groups even demand that FIV+ cats be euthanised to "help" them.
We use Rabbit's story to share some very basic information of FIV.
Seeing is believing so we use the real life rescue case of Rabbit to sow his transformation from an aggressive tramatised cat to a healthy, loving sweet cat.
All cats deserves that chance in life. Always remember, a well cared for FIV+ cat can easily outlive a badly neglected FIV- cat.
Rabbit when rescued. An aggresie and tramatised cat. A happy and healthy Rabbit after adoption
The film has a PG rating so it is not so suitable for children. In any case, the subject matter is one that young children are unlikely to understand.